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This page here explains all the important aspects of our company. Feel free to explore and get as much information as you need. Below, you can find some of the common terminology and concepts that we use within our ecosystem.





White Paper


If you are on any advertising screen like huge digital billboards or smart TVs with a captive audience, you can be a Vinciis' Master and start generating more revenue from your advertising screens.

If you are an advertiser or a content creator, you can start monetizing your content online. Be a Vinciis Ally and start creating campaigns or uploading your content using Monad.

Be a Vinciis' Brand to connect with your outdoor audiences, without any intermediaries. Engage with your most loyal consumers and reward them for with loyalty rewards.

Till now, advertising industry has been treating its audiences as a product, selling their attention and their data. Now it's high time we consider audiences as a stakeholder in the advertising industry. Be our a Vinciis' Audience and earn reward for your attention and data.

We have written all our technical details in this paper. It's a work in progress. Please stay patient for the details.

This hand-book explains our working and culture. If you are willing to join our team, please go through it from a brief idea about our company.

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